Name: Jakkals
Breed: Australian Cattle Dog (10)
Active for life. Naturally
Name: Jinx (12)
Breed: Labrador
Active for life. Naturally
"Jakkals and Jinx" recommend NutraFlex
"New lease on life"
Jakkals is an Australian cattle dog and Jinx is an older Labrador.
I am completely amazed by the change in them!
Jinx could hardly get up after lying down, now she jumps up with ease while Jakkals has been given an absolute new lease on life!
I can't believe that I was actually considering having Jakkals put down because he really struggled with his hips a lot. But now he is like a completely new dog and is even running around again!
So glad I found this! Wish I had found it sooner! Great product.
Thank you!
Lisa, Jakkals and Jinx. Drakensberg
DISCLAIMER : Testimonials, statements and opinions presented on this website reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used/administered NutraFlex products. However, individual results may vary. We do not claim, nor should the reader assume, that any personal experience recounted is typical or representative of what any other consumer might experience. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else using our products may experience.